SARTR shows that are being offered with English subtitles in November repertoire

Dear friends, In our effort to provide quality entertainment for the English-speaking community residing in Sarajevo, we are delighted to inform you that Sarajevo War Theatre SARTR is offering  shows in our November repertoire with English subtitles.

Names and dates are listed below:

18.11. “It Was A Beautiful Sunny Day”

Directed by: Tanja Miletić Oručević
Cast: Mirela Lambić, Maja Salkić, Snežana Bogićević, Amila Terzimehić, Ana Mia Karić, Sead Pandur, Jasenko Pašić, Adnan Kreso, Benjamin Bajramović, Nedim Zlatar.
This play was realised as part of the Swiss cultural program of the Western Balkans – “Network for Participative Cultures of Remembrance”.
The play “It Was a Beautiful, Sunny Day” was created based on the documentation of the memories of different people of Sarajevo on May 2, 1992. This particular day is carved into different people’s memories with utmost clarity. Amongst those who remember are children, students, grandfathers, soldiers, policemen, journalists, housewives and many more. Based on their memories the play assembles into a mosaic of a beautiful spring day, the first out of 1395 days of the siege of Sarajevo, the day that will forever change people’s lives.

19.11 “Rechnitz – The Angel of Destruction”

Directed by Sabine Mitterecker
Cast: Selma Alispahić, Jelena Kordić Kuret, Dženana Džanić, Sead Pandur, Dražen Pavlović
“Rechnitz- The Angel of Destruction” alludes to the massacre of 200 Jewish forced workers in a castle in Austria during World War II, and is dealing with questions such as, how does society handle the memory of genocide? Without facing the past, as painful as it may be to many, is it possible to prevent genocide from happening in the future? Not only is this valid for the survivors and the descendants of the victims of the genocide, but also for the children of the perpetrators, collaborators and those who just stood by and watched.

22/23. 11 “Sarajevo Feeling”

Directed by Thomas Steyaert
Cast: Snežana Bogićević, Maja Salkić,Jasenko Pašić, Davor Sabo, Adnan Kreso, Amar Selimović, Igor Skvarica, Kemal Rizvanović, Matea Mavrak, Ivona Baković, Hana Zrno.
Drama “Sarajevo Feeling” is dealing with the generation born in the 70s, generation which was practically erased by the war. Young people, from one act to the next are hearing about the beginning of the war, and that is disturbing their existing relationships. “Sarajevo Feeling” is music, love and dance. Sorrow and loneliness. Fear, happiness, naivety and vulnerability. Hope and dreams… “Sarajevo Feeling” is  everything that these 11 friends are going through with every fiber of their being.
This drama was produced in co-production between Sarajevo War Theater SARTR and Scene Mess.